Hi again, it’s Dr Jason here at Oasis Health Centre. We’re three weeks into Spinal Health Month, and today I wanted to talk to you about headaches and what you can do to fix headaches and migraines. Now everybody knows that chiropractors do a great job with helping people get to the bottom of their headaches and migraines. In fact, there’s some really neat research that was done in the nineties by professor Nicolai Bogdeck right here at the University of Newcastle that essentially what chiropractors was doing was great and we have been doing great jobs with this for the last 120 years. So, whenever we work with people, there’s some other things we need to figure out that contribute to headaches and here’s the first one. The first thing you need to fix if you want to get rid of headaches is your phone posture. I think we’ve talked about this before, bending your neck downward really damages your neck which pinches nerves which create headache so you need to literally pull your head in by bringing your phone up in front of you and looking at your phone. So that’s the first thing you should change. The next thing you need to fix is maybe your sleeping posture and if you are a stomach sleeper you are causing an awful lot of damage to your neck and that pinches neck nerves that cause headaches. If you sleep on your stomach you have to turn your head in order to breathe, and if you hold you neck like this for six or eight hours all those joints get inflamed and that’s what pinches the nerves. So you need to learn not to sleep on your stomach if that’s what you do. The other thing that you need to do is also make sure your using a pillow that’s comfortable for you. We can actually help you fit your pillow or find a pillow that fits you if your interested in that. Finally third thing that we get people to work on is their stress levels. And stress, if you have, which everyone has, it goes straight to your neck and it starts tightening up muscles and affecting how those joints in your neck  work and again that pinches nerves that create headache symptoms. So getting stress under control is paramount if you want to get to the bottom of headaches and migraines. Alright, so those are just a few tips and tricks, have a go at those and follow us on facebook for more helpful information. If you have any comments or concerns reach out. Thank you very much and have a great day.  

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